2024/03/30 Attending the 2024 Conference of Chinese Solid Mechanics at Nanjing.

2023/07/15 Attending the conference of physical mechanics at Dalian.

2023/03/13 First in-person group meeting as some of us have recovered from the Covid-19.

2022/08/09 First walk with Chuanli and Hang around WeiMing Lake.

2022/02/07 With Dominic and Mingchao on the day before I leave Oxford.

2020/02/18 After PhD dissertation defense (with the committee Filippo, Ken Liechti, Advisor Nanshu Lu, K. Ravi, Rui Huang). The pandemic soon spreads in US…

2016/05/31 After Master dissertation defense (with the group and committee Lihong Liang, Hansong Ma, Shaohua Chen, Xiaolei Wu, Xiqiao Feng, Advisor Yueguang Wei, Co-advisor Zhong Zhang, Gengkai Hu, Yuesheng Wang).